
 ウルフ サンドベルグ(スウェーデン道路研究所)
By Dr Ulf Sandberg
Swedish National Road and Transport Research Institute (VTI)
Linkoping, Sweden
E-mail: ulf.sandberg@vti.se
(訳:編集委員 藤田 仁(日本道路株式会社))


AASHTO (2012): Techstreet on-line shop; see http://www.techstreet.com/standards/aashto

Alabaster, David; Herrington, Phillip; Waters, Jeff (2012): "Ultra Long Life Low Noise Porous Asphalt". Proc. of Acoustics 2012 Hong Kong, May 2012, Hong Kong S.A.R.

Bendtsen, Hans; et al (2012): "Long time effect of noise reducing thin layer pavements". Paper 206, Proc of Inter-Noise 2012, New York City, NY, USA.

Bernhard, Robert J.; Sandberg, Ulf (2005): "Tire/Pavement Noise -- Where Does It Come From?" TR NEWS, No. 240, Sep-Oct 2005, pp 17-21, Transportation Research Board, Washington, DC, USA.

B?hlmann, Erik; Cosandey, Laurent; Ziegler, Toni (2012): "Acoustic performance assessment of Swiss low-noise road surfaces in urban areas". Proc. of Euro-Noise 2012, Prague, the Czech Republic.

Fujita, Hitoshi; Yoshifumi, Arao; Hamada, Kouji (2011): "Performance of the Porous Elastic Road Surface (PERS) as Low Noise Pavement". Proc. of Inter-Noise 2011, Osaka, Japan.

Fujita, Hitoshi (2012): "Construction and Performance of Japanese Low Noise Pavements". Proc. of Acoustics 2012 Hong Kong, May 2012, Hong Kong S.A.R.

Gautier, Jean-Luc (2008): "From theoretical acoustics studies to implementation on a worksite: a major step towards rolling noise reduction". PowerPoint presentation at SURF 2008 (the 6th symposium on pavement surface characteristics), Portoroz, Slovenia.

Goubert, Luc; Sandberg, Ulf (2011): "The poroelastic road surface (PERS): a powerful tool for traffic noise reduction". Proc. of the 24th World Road Congress, September 2011, Mexico City, Mexico.

HAPAS (2008): "Highway Authorities Products Approval Scheme (HAPAS)". British Board of Agr?ment (BBA), United Kingdom. See http://www.bbacerts.co.uk/product-approval/hapas.aspx

Hofman, Rob; The, Peter; van Vliet, WillemJan (2011): "Results Dutch PERS test on A50". Proc. of Inter-Noise 2011, Osaka, Japan.

Inter-Noise (2010): "Session on Asphalt rubber pavements - noise and sustainability, at the 39th International Congress and Exposition on Noise Control Engineering", held in Lisbon, Portugal, 13-16 June, 2010. See http://www.spacustica.pt/internoise2010/index.htm Conference proceedings and individual papers are available at http://www.inceusa.org/publications

Kalman, Bj?rn; Biligiri, Krishna Prapoorna; Sandberg, Ulf (2011): "Optimization of Poroelastic Road Surfaces in the Laboratory ". Proc. of Inter-Noise 2011, Osaka, Japan.

Kraemer, Terrance (2008): "Next Generation Concrete Surface -- Industry Innovations in Quiet Pavement Technology". Presentation 02-14-08, International Grinding and Grooving Association, USA.

Kragh, J?rgen (2007): "Noise Classification - Asphalt pavement". Danish Road Institute Technical Note 61, 2007, Danish Road Institute, Hedehusene, Denmark. May be downloaded from: www.Roadinstitute.dk

Kubo, Kazuyuki (2011): "Present Status of Porous Elastic Rubber Surface (PERS) in Japan". Proc. of Inter-Noise 2011, Osaka, Japan.

Kubo, Kazuyuki; Terada, Masaru (2012): "Development of cleaning machine for drainage asphalt pavement in Japan". Proc. of Acoustics 2012 Hong Kong, May 2012, Hong Kong S.A.R.

Lodico, Dana, et al (2012): "Overview and application of the Statistical Isolated Pass-By Method (SIP) for determining the influence of road surfaces on vehicle noise (AASHTO TP-98)". Paper 613, Proc of Inter-Noise 2012, New York City, NY, USA.

Mioduszewski, Piotr (2012): "Low noise pavements in Poland". Paper 1143, Proc of Inter-Noise 2012, New York City, NY, USA.

Morgan, Phil A. (2008): "Scientific Strategy Document - End Report". Report DVS-2008-016, Road and Hydraulic Engineering Division of Rijkswaterstaat, P.O. 5044, 2600 GA Delft, the Netherlands.

Nicolson, Samuel (1859): "The Nicolson Pavement, invented by Samuel Nicolson, of Boston, Mass". Boston: H.W. Dutton, 1859. Making of America Books (http://quod.lib.umich.edu/cgi/t/text/text-idx?c=moa;idno=AJR3196.0001.001 ) (accessed 9 October 2012).

Otsuka, Takako; Sandberg, Ulf (2010): "A study of the history of traffic noise in a large city: modern Tokyo compared to Edo - the predecessor to Tokyo". Proc. of Inter-Noise 2010, Lisbon, Portugal.

Rasmussen, Robert; Garber, Sabrina I.; Fick, Gery J.; Ferragut, Ted; Wiegand, Paul (2008): "How to Reduce Tire-Pavement Noise: Interim Better Practices for Constructing and Texturing Concrete Pavement Surfaces". Report for Pooled Fund TPF-5(139), March 2008, National Concrete Pavement Technology Center, Ames, Iowa, USA.

Sandberg, Ulf; Ejsmont, Jerzy A. (2002): "Tyre/road noise reference book". Book published by INFORMEX, Hargs gard, SE-59039 Kisa, Sweden (www.informex.info).

Sandberg, Ulf; Kalman, Bj?rn; Nilsson, Roger (2005): "Design guidelines for construction and maintenance of poroelastic road surfaces". Report SILVIA-VTI-005-01-WP4-16/06/05 to EU project SILVIA, see http://www.trl.co.uk/silvia/

Sandberg, Ulf (2006): "The concept of virtual reference pavement for noise prediction and comparison purposes". Proc. of Inter-Noise 2006, Honolulu, Hawaii, USA.

Sandberg, Ulf (2009): "The global experience in using low-noise road surfaces: A benchmark report". Report to the Environmental Protection Department in Hong Kong, 16 February 2009. May be downloaded at: http://www.epd.gov.hk/epd/english/environmentinhk/noise/studyrpts/files/LNRS-final.pdf

Sandberg, Ulf (2010): "Asphalt rubber pavements in Sweden - Noise and rolling resistance properties". Proc. of Inter-Noise 2010, Lisbon, Portugal (see also Inter-Noise, 2010 above).

Sandberg, Ulf; Goubert, Luc; Biligiri, Krishna Prapoorna; Kalman, Bj?rn (2010): State-of-the-Art regarding poroelastic road surfaces, Deliverable D8.1 of the PERSUADE project, downloadable from http://persuadeproject.eu .

Sandberg, Ulf; Goubert, Luc (2011): "PERSUADE -- A European project for exceptional noise reduction by means of poroelastic road surfaces". Proc. of Inter-Noise 2011, Osaka, Japan.

Sandberg, Ulf; Goubert, Luc (2011): "Poroelastic Road Surface (PERS): A review of 30 years of R&D work". Proc. of Inter-Noise 2011, Osaka, Japan.

Sandberg, Ulf (ed), et al (2011): "Optimization of Thin Asphalt Layers -State-of-the-Art Review". Deliverable No. 1 - Final version - 30 April 2011, ERA-NET ROAD Project "Optimization of thin asphalt layers". May be downloaded from

Sandberg, Ulf; Mioduszewski, Piotr (2012): "Gaining extra noise reduction and lower rolling resistance by grinding a porous asphalt pavement". Paper 1439, Proc. of Inter-Noise 2012, New York City, NY, USA.

Sandberg, Ulf; Mioduszewski, Piotr (2012): "The importance for noise reduction of the bottom layer in double-layer porous asphalt." Proc. of Acoustics 2012 Hong Kong, May 2012, Hong Kong S.A.R.

Scofield, Larry (2012): "Development and Implementation of the Next Generation Concrete Surface -- Final Report". Report from the American Concrete Pavement Association in cooperation with International Grooving and Grinding Association.

Sohaney, Richard C, et al (2012): "Evaluation of tire-pavement noise from pavement surface treatments". Paper 1152, Proc of Inter-Noise 2012, New York City, NY, USA.

Stillerverkeer (2012): Dutch website where type tested low noise road surfaces are listed, and where appropriate data sheets may be downloaded for each one and for an overview:




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